About CRM Solution
As small and medium sized companies become active in managing their business processes, they try to implement complex enterprise wide applications such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM). CRM software is designed to help businesses meet the overall goals of customer relationship management. Today's CRM software is highly scalable and customizable, allowing businesses to gain actionable customer insights with a back-end analytical engine, view business opportunities with predictive analytics, streamline operations and personalize customer service based on the customer's known history and prior interactions with your business.
Our CRM is ready to use product which manages marketing, calls, visits, proposals, orders, expenses, tasks & activities for customer acquisition angagements. This frameword forms the backbone of any business and provides exceptional customer experience.
The product is web-based business application. The product provides a single screen to track all activities across all locations. it also gives you added functions such as interaction history, location eise pricing and integrated shopping cart.
With this CRM, organisations do not need to further integrate any other sales tools & application in the future thus saving cost and increasing efficiency.
"Its an era where organisation are in an outlook to increase their revenue, reduce cost, reduce inventory and provide better quality products, we provide an good fit product with the right balance of customization, implementation and production to make for them".

CRM software
According to Salesforce, the leading CRM provider (and more on them in a moment), CRM software grew out of the contact management software of the 1980s, which in turn was meant to provide a digital version of the rolodexes that were so important to sales professionals. At first, CRM software lived on individual PCs; later, it migrated to servers where it could provide services to an entire organization, at which point people started using the phrase CRM system,reflecting the fact that it spanned across an enterprise's infrastructure.
One of the most important things to keep in mind about a CRM system is that it is ultimately less important than the data you put into it. That's one reason to think of CRM as a philosophy and set of practices for recording data about customer interactions, not just a software package you buy.
What is CRM software used for?
Customer relationship management is a strategic process that helps you better understand your customers’ needs and how to meet those needs and enhance your bottom line. CRM systems link up information about customers from a variety of sources, including email, websites, physical stores, call centers, mobile sales, and marketing and advertising efforts. CRM data flows between operational systems (like sales and inventory systems) and analytical systems that sort through CRM data for patterns.
If you don’t have an accurate view of who your customers are and what their needs or desires are or will be at any given stage in their lives, or if you are losing customers to a competitor, that's a clear indication that you need a CRM system.
There are many technological components to CRM systems, but thinking about CRM in primarily technological terms is a mistake. Instead, CRM should be viewed as a strategic process to better understand and meet your customers’ needs. A successful CRM strategy depends on bringing together lots of pieces of information about customers and market trends so you can more effectively market and sell your products and services.

Types of CRM
Beyond the brand names, there are two main types of CRM: on-premises, which means the CRM software is installed on a server under the customer's control, and cloud or on-demand, which runs on the vendor's cloud infrastructure and follows a more metered or pay-as-you go approach.
The market for on-demand CRM has soared, particularly among small and mid-sized companies, largely because of fears about the expense and complexity of large-scale on-premises CRM implementations. And indeed, on-demand CRM is often a good choice for companies that want to implement standard CRM processes, are able to use out-of-the-box data structures with little or no internal IT support, and don’t require complex or real-time integration with back office systems.
However, on-demand CRM software is not always as simple as the vendors would have you believe. For instance, customization can be problematic and hosted CRM vendors’ API tools cannot provide the degree of integration that is possible with on-site applications. Getting a hosted CRM system working shouldn’t take as long as a traditional software package, but larger and more complex rollouts can still take a year or more. And while the hosted option reduces the need for in-house technical support, upgrades can still sometimes be technically tricky. In addition, some companies with particularly sensitive customer data, such as those in financial services and health care, may not want to relinquish control of their data to a hosted third party for security reasons.